Our executive team
The role of the NEW1000 Executive Board is to provide governance for the NEW1000 Study. The executive is responsible for the custodianship of all biological samples, data, and intellectual property related to the study. They also work to identify potential partnerships, collaborations and to establish formal working agreements with Universities, industry partners, research institutes, and other key organisations.
Researchers who are interested in collaborating with the NEW1000 Study should contact Dr Tegan Grace, NEW1000 Study Manager at new1000@newcastle.edu.au for more information.
Professor Jane Bleasel - NEW1000 Executive Chair
Professor Craig Pennell - NEW1000 Study Director
Distinguished Laureate Professor Roger Smith
Laureate Professor Rodney Scott
Distinguished Laureate Professor Nick Talley
Professor Vanessa McDonald
Laureate Professor Clare Collins
Professor Joerg Mattes
Dr Penny Reeves
Professor Andrew Boyle
Associate Professor Tracy Dudding-Bythe
Professor John Wiggers