Applying for a Project using the NEW1000 Cohort
Before you submit an application for a project, data or sample request contact the NEW1000 Study Manager with a brief outline of your proposed research.
The NEW1000 Study Manager can connect you with the appropriate Research Theme Leaders, suggest potential collaborators, discuss the appropriate Human Research Ethics Committee application process, outline any applicable data access fees and check for overlap with existing projects.
Please note, if you are interested in using the NEW1000 Study Cohort for a grant or fellowship application you will need to allow time for your project to be approved prior to your submission to the funding body.
Application for review and approval
All applications required a Project-Form for review and approval. Project Forms are initially reviewed by the NEW1000 Study Management Group who meet fortnightly. The SMG will either forward the submission to be reviewed at the next Executive Committee meeting or contact the applicant for further information or revision.
The NEW1000 Executive Committee meets face-to-face on a quarterly basis, however if there is a need for a project submission to be reviewed outside of this time frame reviews can be completed electronically. Please allow approximately 6-8 weeks for an application to be reviewed and approved.
Project implementation
For projects requiring access to existing data or samples a Data Access Request Form and/or Biosample Request Form must be submitted to the Study Data Manager. All listed investigators on the Access Request forms must acknowledge their involvement in the project and their agreeance to the Researcher Code of Conduct prior to the data being released.
Data and Biosample Access Requests are reviewed fortnightly by the Study Management Group. All data and biosample access requests will be cross referenced with Project Forms and Ethics approvals. If approved the Study Manager will liaise with the Study Data Manager and the Lead Investigator to arrange transfer of de-identified data and samples. The time of data extraction and transfer may vary according to the number and type of data and samples requested.
Data and samples will only be released once full approval has been granted by the NEW1000 Study Executive Committee (SEC) and all required ethics applications have been approved.
Project reporting
Manuscript proposal – all proposed publications should be reviewed by the NEW1000 Study Management Group (SMG) as early as possible.
Draft ideas for manuscripts can be submitted here. Proposed manuscripts will be reviewed by the SMG fortnightly. All proposed manuscripts should be clearly linked to an approved Project.
Manuscript submission – all publications pertaining to or using NEW1000 Study data or biological samples must be reviewed by the Study Management Group prior to submission for publication. Draft manuscripts can be submitted here.
Review of manuscripts will involve plagiarism checks, potential similarity or overlap with other proposed manuscripts, cohort and study impact and appropriate acknowledgments of funding, philanthropy, study researchers and the cohort.
Media engagement - If researchers wish to promote their research in the media please contact the NEW1000 Study Manager