Professor Andrew Searles
Professor Andrew Searles leads the Health Research Economics group at Hunter Medical Research Institute. His work applies economic thinking to health-related issues. He is experienced in the conduct of economic evaluations including impact assessments. He led the development of a framework to measure research translation and research impact which is being used in two NHMRC Centres of Research Excellence. The framework is known as “Framework to Assess the Impact from Translational health research” (FAIT).
Professor Searles has a track record in rapid implementation. For example, in 2018 he was lead investigator on a MRFF funded project to investigate the local level evaluation of healthcare in Australia. In late 2019 he received funding to implement the recommendations from this work, and in 2020 he is leading several projects to embed health economics expertise into local health services, including primary health networks and local health districts, as well as the NSW Ministry of Health.
He will utilise his expertise to evaluate the health, research, and economic impacts of the NEW1000 Study.